Collection: Melon Malarkey

“Melon Malarkey” 2023 was a sweet success and following it's SELL OUT run, it's back with a new twist just in time for Summer and the 2025 Melon Festival. 

If you didn't already know, here in Chinchilla, melons are a big deal - that’s why we’re home to the BIG one! Chinny locals get so fruity over these sweet, summer delights, that every two years we hold a festival packed with fun and frivolity in its honour.
This design is a tip of the hat to the humble melon and the good times we have celebrating it; it’s a little slice of ‘Melon Malarkey.’

Don't be the only one not wearing this sweet print this summer! 

"Malarkey" Oxford Dictionary meaning: "meaningless talk; nonsense"